Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Am I My Brother's Editor?

I should be working on my brother's book, but I haven't blogged in so long I was afraid people would give up on me. Many things have happened since my last post. Here is a list.

1. We started school. That's like getting on a runaway train that doesn't stop until the middle of May.

2. I stopped reading a book that I didn't like. I've forgotten the name of it and I don't want to get up to look. It was all about alternative medicine.

3. I started another book, "Free Food for Millionaires." It's a goodie soap opera epic. And I'm learning a lot about Korean Americans in New York. Fun read.

4. My brother, Tim, called. He has re-written the novel that he wrote last year and didn't get many nudges about. He wants me to read the new version and edit. Easier said than done. You have to read hard. And I've read this book 3 times. It was funny the first time. So that is what I am supposed to work on instead of this post. We really want to get this book published.

5. I fell in class Friday. Tripped over a student's backpack and messed up my knee, my nose, my forehead, and my right hand. Everything is feeling better now, but I spent the weekend covered in ice packs. I've still got bruises and carpet burns, but I can walk a lot better.

6. The Olympics have been on for two weeks and required my full attention. If I hadn't watched, the USA wouldn't have won so many gold medals.

Those are all the excuses I can think of right now. So I guess I better get back to Tim's book, but the Democratic National Convention is on! Didn't Michelle do a beautiful job last night? Tonight we see Hillary. I'm still disapointed that we didn't have the chance to nominate her for president. I've had the bumper sticker on my car for almost a year and it didn't work.


Tenise said...

Michelle did a great job. She will make a great FIRST LADY. She is extremely smart. Most of all, she is very supportive of her husband.

maggie moran said...

Look at you! Another bloggie friend! :)

So, is this book an autobio?

Susie said...

Whew! You wrote another blog post. Thanks! I'm always checking your blog, hoping there's fresh news from my friend Joellen, who I teach with but never see except in passing in the halls. I'm glad you are better.

QueenBee said...

Yes, since school started, it has been a train ride. The DNC was good, really got a feel for how Dems want to lead this country. This week I'm watching the RNC and I still want to know how they will get us out of the mess we're in now. We only have 61 days left to get informed!!!

I read and edited for a friend, it was tedious and I only read it once...have fun!

jo ellen said...

i'm still working on Tim's book, so I've been slow answering. so glad to hear from all of you. So, what do we think of Sarah Palin?

QueenBee said...

I don't know what I think of Palin...I have yet to hear "her" words. But from what I'm reading, she kinda scares me. She might be okay as a Vice President, but considering McCain's age and health issues, I don't think she is President material. To vote for her because she is a woman is pretty shallow considering her views are pretty extreme. We have about 40 days to find out "who" she is exactly.